IECDS provides consultancy in various work areas related to the environment, climate and development sustainability.

Some of the consultancies IECDS has conducted are:-

Accreditation of the NMB Bank PLC, Tanzania to the UN Green Climate Fund (GCF), Songdo South Korea 2022 todate

Initiation, coordination, and finalization of the NMB Bank accreditation to GCF. Preparation of all the required documents for the accreditation process. Providing all responses to queries from GCF during the online accreditation process. Training the NMB Management and personnel on the accreditation process and the role of the Accredited Entity as the implementation partner of the GCF.


  • Training to NMB Management and Personnel on International climate finance and the accreditation process successfully concluded
  •  Preparation of the roadmap for NMB accreditation to GCF which was accepted by the NMB management and is being used to date towards accreditation.
  • All pre-request documents for initiation of the accreditation process identified and prepared
  •  NMB Bank accreditation request accepted by the GCF, ensuing processes pending NDA final re-approval.
  • Follow-up meetings with the NDA for re-confirmation of the prioritization of NMB as one of the approved entities for accreditation (together with TADB and four others) from Tanzania.
Strengthening the actions for a climate responsive/resilience agricultural sector in the Lake Victoria Basin - FAO Tanzania 2020-2022

IEDS as the National Consultant working with the International  (FAO Global-Rome, Italy) and Regional (FAO Southern Africa) consultants to redesign and submit the Concept Note to GCF on   Strengthening the actions for a climate responsive/resilience agricultural sector in the Lake Victoria Basin.   Preparation and review of all national required documents and make country consultations with all relevant national stakeholders.  Providing all responses to queries raised by the GCF on the Concept Note document. Providing Training to FAO Local Staff on the Concept Note preparation and key pre requisite documents for the completion of the Concept note.    


  • The Tanzania Concept on Strengthening the actions for a climate responsive/resilience agricultural sector in the Lake Victoria Basin has been accepted by the GCF.  Possible funding not possible soon as FAO HQ  (Rome) has yet to prioritize Tanzania for GCF support. 
  • First Project Concept Note from FAO Tanzania to be accepted by GCF.  Full proposal will be prepared once FAO Rome gives clearance.  
  • Training of key FAO local staff successfully completed
Accreditation of the CRDB Bank PLC, Tanzania to the UN Green Climate Fund (GCF) , Songdo South Korea, 2017-2019

Initiation, coordination, and finalization of the CRDB Bank accreditation to GCF. Preparation of all the required documents for the accreditation process. Providing all responses during the online accreditation system process.  Training the CRDB Management and personnel on the accreditation process and the role of the Accredited entity. Provided the technical support for putting in place a dedicated unit for Sustainable climate finance within CRDB that deals with Climate Finance for various commercial projects.  Supporting the development of the first CRDB Bank Project after accreditation - Greening the agricultural sector in Tanzania.  



  • Developed the CRDB accreditation roadmap and action plan which was accepted by the CRDB Management and used to accomplish the accreditation process 
  • CRDB Bank PLC is accredited to GCF and is the first accredited entity in Tanzania
  • First Project funded by GCF to the tune of USD 100 million through CRDB approved for   Tanzania
  • The Sustainable Climate Finance Unit established in CRDB
  • CRDB Bank recognized as the first Green bank in Tanzania and Eastern Africa in 2020-2021
Technical Assessment of Climate Finance in the East African Community (EAC), under the global Needs Based Project (NBF) Funded by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC Bonn) Secretariat 2019-2020

IEDS as the Regional Consultant, Undertook  the situation analysis (technical assessment of current climate finance flows and needs) of the current situation.   Facilitate EAC partner states (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan and Burundi    to identify climate finance needs based on various key national policies and strategic document such as   the NDCs, NAPAs, NAPs.  Prepare a detailed analysis of finance flows from each source in each country. Estimates the magnitude of the financing gap with EAC countries and possible sources of climate financing. Prepare a Technical Assessment report that forms an annex to the East African Community Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy



  • The first ever Technical Assessment of Climate Finance in the East African Community partner states elaborating the flows, the needs and the gaps at the EAC level and in each partner states. 
  • 125 Climate change technical (Government officials and private experts) from EAC partner states and the EAC secretariat trained in climate finance mobilization strategy. 
  • emission profiling for each EAC partner state - identified and contextualized for mitigation projects.
EAC Climate Finance Access and Mobilization Strategy (2022/23- 2031/33) under the Needs Based Project (NBF) 2021-todate

EAC Secretariat, supported by the UNFCCC 


IEDS as the Regional Consultant  Prepared the EAC Strategy that ensure that finance is effectively mobilized, accessed, utilized, scaled up, tracked and transparently reported to contribute to the achievement of intended climate change goals and low-emission development in the East African Community. Prepare five project pipelines that will be the initial vehicles for accessing enhanced climate within the EAC region. Prepare the Strategy Implementation Plan and the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy  



  • Final Draft EAC Climate Finance Access and Mobilization Strategy (2022/23- 2031/33) endorsed by the EACH Climate Change Technical Committee, awaiting Ministerial approval. 
  • Five Climate Finance Project pipelines accepted and endorsed by the EAC partner states for project development  
  • Strategy implementation Plan endorsed by EAC Partner states  and financing institutions  including the African Development Bank  (AfDB) and USAID 
  • Development partners ready to provide some support to the implementation of the Strategy identified at the regional development partners forum. 
Environmental Impact impacts and Potential of Climate Change to Trade and Private Sector (including the financial sector) in the East African Community (EAC) 2019-2021. Trade Mark East Africa (TMEA), EAC Secretariat, supported by ATKINS and Global Adaptation Partnership

IEDS as the Regional Consultant  Provided undertook the impacts assessment and professional inputs on the link between trade and climate change and its implications to the private sector in EAC partner states (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Sudan) Undertake extensive interviews with various stakeholders in EAC member states for the verification of the desk reviews and export opinions for finalization of the Study. Link with other experts on the team for report harmonization and finalization.



  • First ever Compressive report on the Environmental Impacts and Potential of Climate Change on Trade and the Private Sector (including the financial sector) in the EAC. 
  • Regional and country-specific recommendations on how to harness the potential impacts of climate change mitigation in the context of carbon trade through various trade-related actions. 
Commercialization of Blue Economy for Development Sustainability and Fighting Climate Change in Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar (CoBE project), 2020-2022. CRDB Bank and the Institute for Environment and Development Sustainability (IEDS), Tanzania, are preparing this project supported by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Songdo, South Korea

IEDS is  the National Lead Consultant: As the Lead consultant, IEDs is leading  and providing  professional inputs for the Preparation of the Project Concept Note in accordance with the (GCF) requirements. Coordinating and managing Stakeholder engagement both mainland and Zanzibar for critical inputs in the process.  Coordinating and managing area specific consultants and sub-contractors in finalising the Project Concept note. Responding to questions raised by the GCF Secretariat on the Concept Note for finalisation.    Leasing with CRDB Bank PLC (the GCF Accredited Entity) and the Vice President’s Office (the NDA) on ensuring all the requested legal documents and approvals are availed to the GCF.    Preparing timely reports on the Project Concept Note preparation process final reports.  Undertaking field monitoring and evaluation missions.    


  • The USD 247 million CoBE project Concept Note completed, submitted to GCF, Reviewed and accepted for further development of the full project
  •  Letter of Approval for the CoBE project provided   by the NDA
  • The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar and Mainland Tanzania Government Endorsed the project 
  • The Tanzania private sector foundation and partners endorsed the project
GCF Concept Note on Greening the Sugarcane Industry in Tanzania 2020-2021. Proposal by the CRDB Bank and Institute of Environment, Climate and Development Sustainability (IECDS), Tanzania, for financial support from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Songdo, South Korea

IEDS is the Lead Consultant,  providing professional inputs for the Preparation of the Project Concept Note in accordance with the (GCF) requirements. Coordinating and managing Sugarcane Stakeholders' engagement in the consultation process for the initiation and finalization of the Concept Note and eventually the finalization of the full proposal.   Coordinating and managing area-specific consultants and sub-contractors in finalizing the Project Concept note. Responding to questions raised by the GCF Secretariat on the Concept Note for finalization.   Leasing with CRDB Bank PLC (the GCF Accredited Entity) and the Vice President’s Office (the NDA) on ensuring all the requested documents are availed to the GCF.   Preparing timely reports on the Project Concept Note preparation process final reports.   Undertaking field assessments and consultations.



  • The USD 74.1 million Concept Note completed, submitted to GCF, Reviewed, and comments provided for further amendments and eventual development of the full project once the final Concept Note is accepted. 
  •  Presentation of the Concept Note presented to the VPO Technical Committee for the Approval Letter for the Sugarcane industry  project 
  • The Tanzania Sugar Board consulted and cleared the project.  
Developing Core Capacity to Address Adaptation to Climate Change using EbA approaches in Productive Coastal Zones of Tanzania, 2012-2017 Department of Environment, Vice President’s Office, Tanzania, supported by UNEP/LDC Fund

IEDS was the National Implementing partner,  Coordinating and Managing the implementation of specific project components/activities including managing the project personnel  training   in climate change and environmental areas for delivery on assignment components.  Leasing with the international consultant as well as UNEP and LDFC PMUs on timely achievement of key deliverables. Preparing quarterly, half yearly, midterm and final reports.  Undertaking field monitoring and evaluation missions in relation  to the impacts of the trainings undertaken to the local communities.     


  • In Rufiji, 900,000 ha of mangrove forest planted along the selected coastal areas highly impacted by erosion 
  •  One kilometre of sea wall constructed in Pangani   to reduce the impacts of sea level rise on costal infrastructure  
  • In Bagamoyo, 17 water wells constructed replacing 20 wells inundated by sea water due to sea level rise 
  • In Zanzibar, 50 ha of mangroves planted, eight gabions constructed and 200m wall constructed to avoid the impacts of sea level raise.  
Implementation of Concrete Adaptation measures to reduce vulnerability of livelihoods and economy of coastal communities of Tanzania 2012-2017. Department of Environment, Vice President’s Office, Tanzania, supported by UNEP/Adaptation Fund

IEDS was the  Technical Adviser, focusing on advisory services in relation to best option  for adaptation and resilience to climate change  Advise the project management team on project implementation. Review valuation and monitoring reports and advise on appropriate actions for timely delivery; and   undertake field missions for verification of the use of modern coastal infrastructural technologies for creation of resilience to local coastal infrastructure and communities. 


  •  Construction of 1.7 km of coastal sea defence wall along the Dar s Salam city. 
  • Provision of 3,000 energy efficient cook stoves to selected    households within the project areas
  •  Construction of 2.5 km of flood water tunnels to reduce the impacts of flooding to communities 
  • Over 100 ha of mangroves re planted within the eroded areas caused by sea level rise
Trans-boundary Agro-Ecosystem Management Project for the Kagera River basin (Kagera TAMP) 2009-2014

Ministry of Agriculture, Tanzania, supported by FAO/GEF

IEDS was the Adviser  to the National Project team : Oversight support for the promotion of an integrated ecosystems and environmental management approach to land management that enhanced local, national and global benefits from ecosystem services.


  • restoration of over 10,000ha of degraded lands, 
  • about 500000 CO2 eg. carbon sequestered through afforestation and reforestation. 
  • protection of international waters, 
  • about 50,000 ha of agro biodiversity conserved. 
  • improved agricultural production selected areas in Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda
Training on GCF accreditation Process and accessing International Climate funds 2021-2022

Ministry of  Finance and Planning Tanzania

IEDS  Trained senior officials and commissioners from the Ministry of Finance and Planning on GCF accreditation and how to access international Climate funds


  • Trained over 20 senior staff
  • launching of the accreditation process by the Ministry.
  • Initial preparations  for GCF accreditation process are already under way
Training on understanding the key aspects of project development for the Global climate fund and Green Climate Fund (GCF) 2021

Chato District Council

IEDS Trained the council on all procedures, principles, and guidelines for developing concept notes and proposals for Global climate funds, with a focus on Green climate fund templates.



  • Trained over 30 Senior staffs
  • The council were able to develop SAP proposal
Training on Environment, Climate Change Science, impacts, Adaptation and mitigation measures. 2016-2018

Kinondoni Municipal Council

IEDS Trained the municipal council on climate science, its impacts, and strategies for dealing with the challenges of climate change, as well as measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The council was also taught how to access international climate funds along with how to write concept notes and proposals to these funds.


  • Trained over 500 staffs 
  • Enhancement on Environment Management at district level

Contact Us




IECDS Building
Gema/IECDS Road Junction
Bunju 'B"
P.O. Box 7775, Dar es Salaam,


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  • 8am - 5pm

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